The report by the German Federal Statistical Office clearly reveals that pupils and kinds are not safe on their way to school and kindergarten. One reason are the so-called "parent taxis". In order to ensure that their kids arrive at schools and kindergarten safely, they bring them by car. Considering statistics about children as a car passenger in accidents, driving the kids is only an alleged feeling of safety. Particularly the increase of cars in front of schools and kindergartens makes the situation even worse for those kids still walking or cycling.
The adfc wants to make children to become safe road users by encouraging them to bike and walk to school. We want to reduce traffic around schools and make the situation safer for everyone. For a long-term effect, we establish working groups with teachers and parents in schools to integrate sustainable mobility management in schools. The next big event is the parking day in September which we want to organize together. To create an even bigger impact, we are in close cooperation with other partners here in Kiel. One of our partners has already established walking buses at a primary school. Children and parents meet and walk together to the school. With our partner Kiel.Region we are trying foster a change on the administrative level. Events are organized for all schools in Kiel to inform them about options how to integrate mobility management in their schools.
Summer holidays are starting soon in Schleswig-Holstein, so we have enough time to precise and evaluate our concept, plan the parking day and get feedback from our helpful cmm partners and start prepared and full of energy into the next school year!