Citizen involvement
What makes a sustainable urban mobility plan differ from a transport plan, is to have your stakeholders and especially your citizens on board, right from the start! Cities.multimodal was focusing on innovative ways how to involve citizens in to different activities and measures from the beginning. Citizens were involved during the preparatory analysis, the planning process for mobility points and campaigns - for each stage an appropriate method or tool was chosen to ensure a broad participation and finally acceptance among citizens for the planned measures.
Each of the city partners has been testing at least 2 innovate and new tools and methods during the implementation of their activities and the experience will be shared with other cities!
You can also find all cities.multimodal good practices for citizen involvements from the Eltis database!
The outcome of the activity was feeding into the main output of the project, the "Planner´s handbook", all testet methods and tools from the city partners, with tips and tricks and feedback for other cities to take advantage of will be available on this website.
Capacity development
Based on the needs of the project partner cities and thier local stakeholders, a joint training curriculum was developed in the project. Two train-the trainers workshops have been organised for the cities based on existing knowledge, tools and methods and good examples from other cities. Afterwards, each city organises a local training for their stakeholders.
Read more about the first training workshop about developing convincing campaigns and different tools and methods and the second training workshop about mobility management methods and storytelling!