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How to enable behavioural change for sustainable mobility? -Train-the-trainers workshop #1

“Welcome to the first cities.multimodal talkshow and these are our guests today…”!
Discussions about how mobility points can solve the challenges in sustainable mobility, panelists explaining how they work in MPs and a  (quite) critical audience to convince!

This setting took place in the first cities.multimodal train-the-trainer workshop, in connection with the 3rd project meeting in Aarhus!
The workshop was organized by UBC in close cooperation with ELTIS and moderated by Claus Köllinger from the ELTIS consortium.
After an input presentation about how to build successful campaigns, illustrated with many examples, the focus of the training was on introducing, testing and experiencing different methods and tools. In a role play, some of the partners adapted new “personalities” to practice discussion and communication with decision-makers, we practiced the OPERA method to brainstorm, discuss and prioritize ideas in a planning process and in the end organized the above mentioned talk shows!
The goal of the exercises was mainly to introduce partners to (new) facilitation methods and to encourage them to use those when organizing local trainings.

Overall the training got positive feedback from the project partners and based on their comments we are planning the 2nd training workshop for the autumn! Looking forward to it!


Picture: Role play - Monika Evini (Gdansk) and Anton Nikitin (Vilnius) present their argumentation to the "journalist" and the "mayor"