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Project meeting No. 3 and training in Aarhus

During two intensive days (11-12.04) in Aarhus, Denmark the cities.multimodal project partners gathered for both the third project meeting and a training session. The training was facilitated in cooperation with Claus Köllinger from the urban mobility observatory ELTIS.

The first day was dedicated to various activites related to multileveled dissemination, mobility point frameworks, IT-tools for multimodal mobility and mobility management planning.

The training session which took place the second day of the meeting was packed with information of mobility campaigns and behavioral change in relation to sustainable urban mobility. The training included many interactive activites such as mock up talk shows about mobility points and mobility management and the OPERA excersie for generating new ideas for mobility related campaigns.

The 4th and next project meeting will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania 16-18 of October!





In the picture Ausra and Anton from Vilnius doing a short pitch of their mobility campaign.