POSTPONED: June 2-5 2020: VELO-CITY 2020, Ljubjana Slovenia
VELO-CITY 2020 has been postponed to 15-18 September 2020.
The global cycling summit VELO-CITY 2020 will take place in Ljubjana, Slovenia 2-5 2020. The theme for the conference is 'Smart Cycling Inclusion', sub-themes are social innovation & tech, sharing public space & connecting people as well as policy of the future.
Read more about the event on the conference website.
MAY 26 2020: UBC TALKS about cities.multimodal
The UBC TALKS webinar "Change your way(s) – towards multimodal urban mobility in BSR cities" is dedicated to the cities.multimodal partner cities Pskov, Riga and Tartu and their sustainable urban mobility journeys towards multimodality. UBC TALKS is a series of webinars launched by the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission to discuss various topics of the sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. Ensure your spot by registering today! ➡️ REGISTRATION
CANCELLED April 27-30 2020: TRA2020, Helsinki Finland
TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility. In 2020, TRA takes place in Helsinki, Finland. Themed Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility, TRA2020 brings together experts from around the world to discuss the newest innovations and future of mobility and transport.
Read more about the event on the event website.
CANCELLED April 21-24 2020: Project Meeting in Tartu Estonia & Pskov Russia
cities.multimodal's 5th project meeting will be taking place in Tartu 21-24.04.2020, the meeting includes a visit to Pskov.
CANCELLED April 1-3 2020: Urban Future Global Conference, Lisbon Portugal
The Urban Future Global Conference 2020 will take place 1-3 April in Lisbon.
The thematic areas for the conference are:
- Mobility
- Water
- Districts
- Leadership
For more information visit the event website here.
October 16-18 2019: Project meeting, peer review and training, Vilnius Lithuania
cities.multimodal's 4th project meeting along with a training will take place in Vilnius 16-18 October. In connection to the project meeting a peer review and a second training will take place. The training will once again be organised in cooperation with the European mobility observatory Eltis. For the peer review Vilnius will be visited by partner cities Kalmar, Guldborgsund and Tartu. The peer review will have a focus on mobility point implementation and indicators for multimodality.
October 15-18 2019: XV UBC General Conference, Kaunas Lithuania
The 15th UBC General Conference will be held in Kaunas 15-18 October 2019. More information will follow here.
October 2-4 2019: CIVITAS Forum Conference, Graz Austria
2-4 October you can find us at the annual CIVTAS Forum in Graz, Austria. cities.multimodal will participate with a stand and take part in workshops.
September 26 2019: Peer review, Gdansk Poland
In September the partner cities Riga, Aarhus and Rostock will visit Gdansk for a peer review. The topic of the peer review is mobility management for kindergartens and schools.
September 24-25 2019: 10th Congress of Active Mobility, Gdansk Poland
The 10th Congress of Active Mobility will be focused primarily on the following thematic areas: sustainable mobility in the cities, psychology and sociology of transport, autonomous transport and its impact on urban residents, active mobility electrically supported (electric bikes mainly). The organiser of the event is the City of Gdansk along with the Polish Union of Active Mobility (PUMA) which is acting as a partner for the event.